Friday, August 1, 2014

I Don't Get It (Pet Peeve)!!

Having been a member of Ravelry for years, I noticed something I don't like. Swap groups that claim to be active but are really ghost towns. A lot of the time it's the owner that doesn't keep up with listing the swaps but it's also that no one wants to do it.

I really don't get why people sign up for a swap group and then never participate. I belong to several and participate in every one of them (that are still active). Not every one every month, but enough to keep active in the groups. Mostly what I see from other members of the groups is how they would love to but can't. And while I understand it can be tough, especially if you're like me and joined several groups, do one a year, geez.

In most of the groups I'm in there are only about 4 people each who say yes in any given month. The groups have 200 members but only 4 ever do anything? All the others are quick to say they'll pass though, so you know they read the posts.

If I ever get around to it and get approved to start my own swap group, I'm kicking out "members" who never participate.

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