Saturday, May 26, 2012

I'm On A Roll

I'm on a roll making these little guys! I even made a pattern for a Bundrop (gumdrop). I need to try to figure out the ear placement a little better, but whatever. When I figure it out I'll post it here and probably on Ravelry.

My Tiny Bunny Horde

My Bundrop prototype. The face was a little hard to get right but it wasn't my main concern.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Random Acts of Cuteness Part 2

This is a post for those who have found the little goodies I'm going to start leaving around. Please post your item's number, name (if it has one) and where you found it. Feel free to leave a comment about what you did with your found item :)

August 2nd 2013: My latest batch of buns are not named or numbered. It was too much to do 200 bunnies! By the way, for my buns abroad, they are made by hand in Aloha, Oregon, USA :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Random Acts of Cuteness

I found a Ravelry  group today called Tiny Bunnies Movement. The idea is that one would crochet (or knit) a tiny bunny and leave it in a random place like a park, office or train with a card saying "Take Me Home!" A random act of kindness to brighten someone's day.

I've been making these little bunnies while watching movies. I didn't get very many done but in my defense I was watching subtitled movies :) I plan on making a whole army and Bun Bun Bombing Beaverton! I'll leave them at stores and the library and restaurants. I just have to decide what I want to put on the cards I leave with them.

I'm also going to make some Cotton Rose Rings to leave around. I have some scented Lily Sugar'N'Cream cotton to use up. I was wondering what I'd use it for. Since I'm a yarn whore, I just got it without a project in mind. I made 2 of these rings the other day when I found the pattern.
The one on the left is regular cotton and the one on the right is rose scented. I'll put the scented ones (rose and lavender) in little zippy bags with a warning in case someone may be allergic.

I encourage you all to make many rings and hordes of bun buns to spread around.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Crocodile Rocks!

A new stitch! Well, ok, not a new stitch but whatever. The Crocodile stitch has been around forever and has been the basis for many an ugly hat and misguided scarf. I never paid attention to it because the only examples I'd seen were hideous cloche/beanie hats and ugly small drawstring bags. While I'm sure these suit some people, they just are not my style.

Anyway, a few weeks ago on Ravelry I came across a pattern for a crocheted Alligator Handbag. It's unique, super cute and super easy (I bought the pattern and am in love with my bag)! While it's a creative take on the scales, it got me thinking about more scale-like scales on a bag. That's where the Crocodile stitch comes in, it's made to look like scales, duh. I went to Youtube and found some very helpful tutorials on this stitch and am pretty confident that I can make something that won't make my eyes bleed. So now I am attempting to make a dragon purse, very loosely based on the Alligator Handbag.

I will post progress pictures as I go and make a written pattern for it. So far I like the colors I chose and how the scales are turning out. I figured I'd break the scales up with a section of single crochet so it wouldn't look like those horrible drawstring bags I mentioned. Wish me luck, this is pretty much my first big project without a pattern.